Sunday, April 15, 2012

Just Chill'in on the Deck {Bonney Lake, deck contractor}

What a great weekend it has been. It finally feels like spring is here. I was outside Saturday night enjoying a cold adult beverage on the deck that I built so many years ago. I was thinking about some new designs for TLC's upcoming summer and reflecting on the designs of years past. I have a few favorites that I think really transformed the home and left the owners super happy. I thought that I would share them with you today. I would like to think this lovely Sunday morning the owners are sitting out on these decks now enjoying a hot cup of coffee. Or perhaps they were out there last night, as I was on mine, barbecuing for their family. Either way I know that there are many more warm days and nights ahead and hope to bring some more areas of relaxation for other clients soon. Enjoy the weekend! 

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The perfect time for exterior home painting {Bonney Lake home painter}

It's coming soon - - warm weather, backyard BBQ's, and long evenings relaxing outside with a cold beverage. There are only a small handful of days in Western Washington that we are blessed with nice dry warm days. Being a contractor this becomes a juggling act because it's one of our most popular times of years for exterior home painting.
In this post I want to share with you a few before and after exterior paint jobs that the team of TLC Handy Solutions did last year and remind you its not to early to get on the schedule.

Estimates are always free - contact us soon and let us know if your interested in painting your home prior to the festivities that summer will bring.
We would love to help you out.